
Maybe it's time

I had them eating out of the palm of my hand, they appeared to be really impressed with me. Yet I didn't get the job.

Maybe it's time to cut my dreadlocks off. Not that you could tell I have them the way I tie them up.

It's true I wasn't too fussed about getting it seeing as it was part time but failure makes me feel like a failure.


Kitty Moore said...

It's not failure - it didn't happen because there's something much better for you out there x

Anonymous said...

I'm on the look out for dreads that have been cut off so if you end up making the chop and want someone to take them off your hands (for a price obviously), then let me know!

Anonymous said...

...I forgot to tell the 'puta to email follow up comments to me

Claire said...

Hi Vikki, you never left me any contact details.

Unfortunately, if I ever take them out I'll be brushing them out rather than cutting. I am a firm believer in long hair!
