This will be my last blog post for some time. You see, our new ISP won't give us the Internet in our new place until we've been receiving their TV package for TWO WEEKS! God knows how long it'll be before we get reconnected 4 weeks I think Arrrgh.
Anyway leaving do was really good got loads of nice pictures of the fam (this one is my favourite of my husband, far right) it was a shame some of them couldn't be there.
Not much to do now in the way of packing just got to scrape all the mould from the walls and repaint the bathroom.
I'm trying to avoid all contact with Helen, She rang Phil on Friday just before the party and demanded to speak to me. After all the times I'd told him to tell her I'd moved he bloody tells her I'm not in, she didn't believe him, called him a liar then said "well if she doesn't want to be friends, whatever" and hung up on him.
Then she rang back apologising saying her tempers down to friends fucking her off oh so you only want to be friends with me because no one else will? She told him to tell me she loves and misses me.
If she was that interested, she could have rang at Christmas and told me that she was too busy to see me. She had a contact number so why didn't she? She lives not a five minute drive from me so why didn't she visit for 15 minutes if she was that busy? I think she was way out of line being rude to Phil so I am not interested. She only misses me because her other friends probably realised what a self centred, arrogant twat she is.
I hope she doesn't come round before the move I really don't want her kicking off. Phil won't "fight my battles for me" arsehole. He's supposed to be on my side. I'll make him send her away and if he tries to make me talk to her on the phone, I'm just going to drop his phone down the toilet then neither of us will have to speak to her. Sure, Phil may be angry about his phone but it's under contract so he can get another one.
I suppose I should send her an email and put her out of her misery but why should I drop everything because she demands it? After all it took her 5 months to decide she wanted to be my friend again.
Well I'm sorry but if people fall out with me for nothing and send me spiteful, nasty emails about how they've wanted to fall out with me for a while then that's it. Final, I am done with that person. I have severe trust issues and once someone breaks that trust I'm afraid I just see no point carrying on with them.
I don't think she realise just how much she hurt me with that email you can't say nasty stuff to me, leave it 5 months and demand for me to be your friend. God I'm so angry with her.
I'm sorry she ruined it. I hope she learns from this that people will not bend over backwards to please her and that maybe she should start treating people with respect.
Anyway my rant and a half is over. I'm sad I won't be able to update this as my new life unfolds for the first few weeks, so I decided to write a diary and I'll do one huge blog update with the entries from that.
Goodbye Wigan, it hasn't been fun at all.
Info Loker Terbaru Tangerang Bulan Desember 2015
9 years ago
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