Hello I'm back online in my new town. I couldn't be bothered to keep a diary to upload so I'll just do a summary.
Journey down to Devon went well no animals got sick hurrah. It took us about 7 hours though. The house is very nice, really old and has old wood flooring.
The locals are really nice and we've just spent the time without no internet drinking lager tops and Cider and Black. Yum! I also got a job at the pub so I get free drinks and get to smoke at the bar after hours.
Phil got the job as the new guitar teacher at the school so things are going very well for us, Shadow is all healed too.
Public transport is a nightmare. 1 bus an hour from each of the two bus stops in the town. It's really gay. But it's not bad.border="0" alt="Hit Counters" />
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Info Loker Terbaru Tangerang Bulan Desember 2015
9 years ago
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